Whether we use Balanced Scorecard (BSC) or OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), all performance management tools recognize employee development as a critical factor. For example, the DSK system groups objectives under four different dimensions, one of which is learning and employee development.
The BSC says every company should have goals to increase customer loyalty and improve financial results. In addition, a company should have business process goals to improve these two groups.
Since the goal owners cannot simply realize the challenging goals of these three perspectives on their own, all performance management systems suggest that every employee should have learning and development goals in line with their goals as the fourth perspective.

Stiza enables you to identify the development areas your employees need to achieve their goals and provides training that will serve their purposes.
The professional development plan and training that align with the goals increase business results and employee loyalty.
The OKR approach is no different from the BSC system in this respect. However, it suggests that every employee needs to have at least one self-development goal.
Personal development is not limited to professional development. In environments with challenging targets, competencies such as
- Ability to give and receive feedback
- Accountability
- Stability
- Result orientation
- Openness to development
- Developing your team
are examples of soft skills to be developed together with professional competencies.
Stiza suggests a 360-degree evaluation system to focus on the right personal competencies.